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Farmville Caveman Club Chapter 2 Quest

FarmVille Caveman Club Chapter 2 Quests!
Farmville Caveman Club Chapter 2Camping OutMe want to go camping! But camping tough. For us tough people! You tough! Let's go camping!

Start Time:- 27th June, 2016 | End Time:- 4th July, 2016.

Note:- These quests are repeatable and specific to the Caveman Club Farm only. Hence, before placing any quest item on other farms, make sure that the quest icon appears on that farm too, else their harvests might not count. Quests requirements can be changed anytime as how Zynga Updates them. We do our best to keep you updated ASAP.

First we need tent. We make our own!
Quest 1Camping Out : Part 1Item to Ask Reward
  1. Get 7 Dried Sticks
  2. Harvest 80 Blooming Onions (Harvest in 10 Mints)
  3. Craft 3 Caveman Couture in your Twostone Mill
Helpful Tips:For 3: Caveman Couture is a 1 hr recipe.

Caveman Couture can be made in a 1 Star Twostone Mill.

To make 3 Caveman Couture you need 6 Blooming Onions Bushels, 9 Explosive Berries Bushels and 6 Fire Burst Flower Bushels.
7 Dried SticksTusk Tree
We made good tent! Camping trip will be good!

Now we must show how tough we are! We make tough... uh... things!
Quest 2Camping Out : Part 2Item to Ask Reward
  1. Get 8 Little Stones
  2. Harvest 120 Crimson Shade Flower (Harvest in 31 Mints)
  3. Craft 3 Slingshot in your Twostone Mill
Helpful Tips:For 3: Slingshot is a 1 hr recipe.

Slingshot can be made in a 1 Star Twostone Mill.

To make 3 Slingshot you need 6 Fire Burst Flower Bushels, 6 Crimson Shade Flower Bushels and 9 Explosive Berries Bushels.
8 Little StonesDomestic Saber Cat
Yes. We toughest campers ever!

Pet also coming. What? Pet is tough! I show you when we play with pet!
Quest 3Camping Out : Part 3Item to Ask Reward
  1. Get 9 Jungle Rope
  2. Harvest 80 Ooga's Carrot (Harvest in 6 hrs)
  3. Craft 2 Rabbit Stick in your Twostone Mill
Helpful Tips:For 3: Rabbit Stick is a 2 hrs recipe.

Rabbit Stick can be made in a 1 Star Twostone Mill.

To make 2 Rabbit Stick you need 6 Cautleya Bushels, 6 Flytrap Beetroot Bushels and 6 Queen's Magnifica Bushels.
9 Jungle RopeRam Ape
See? Phew! Pets are tough! But fun.

Wait... what if trouble happens? We should have... backup.
Quest 4Camping Out : Part 4Item to Ask Reward
  1. Get 9 Stone Chisels
  2. Harvest 120 Pearl Sprouts (Harvest in 8 hrs)
  3. Craft 2 Caveman Caller in your Twostone Mill
Helpful Tips:For 3: Caveman Caller is a 4 hrs recipe.

Caveman Caller can be made in a 1 Star Twostone Mill.

To make 2 Caveman Caller you need 6 Queen's Magnifica Bushels, 6 Pre-evolved Hibiscus Bushels and 6 Hanging Fuschia Bushels.
9 Stone ChiselsTangerine Plume Bird
There. Now we safe. Good job!

Camping tough, but also fun. We relax too!
Quest 5Camping Out : Part 5Item to Ask Reward
  1. Get 10 Dried Grass
  2. Harvest 140 Hanging Fuschia (Harvest in 12 hrs)
  3. Craft 3 Arrow Quiver in your Twostone Mill
Helpful Tips:For 3: Arrow Quiver is a 4 hrs recipe.

Arrow Quiver can be made in a 1 Star Twostone Mill.

To make 3 Arrow Quiver you need 9 Cactus Watermelon Bushels, 9 Cautleya Bushels and 6 Blue Chrysanthemum Bushels.
10 Dried GrassHorn Hippo
Now camping is tough and fun! Bison glad you here.

Campfire music best! Bison good at drums. We set up!
Quest 6Camping Out : Part 6Item to Ask Reward
  1. Get 12 Silt
  2. Harvest 160 Cactus Watermelon (Harvest in 16 hrs)
  3. Craft 2 Primitive Drums in your Twostone Mill
Helpful Tips:For 3: Primitive Drums is a 3 hrs recipe.

Primitive Drums can be made in a 2 Star Twostone Mill.

To make 2 Primitive Drums you need 6 Pitaya Fruit Bushels, 6 Hidden Pumpkin Bushels and 6 Cautleya Bushels.
12 SiltStego Horse
Ready for Bison concert?

Farmville Caveman Club Chapter 2 QuestIn case you notice any errors in the guide, please inform us in the comments below.

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Also, do check back this post because as we know more we add here. Thank you for visiting us :)

~~~ Happy Questing ~~~

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