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Trending: | Leaderboard for 14th September | Last Updated: 11 September.

Farmville Oasis Gardens Farm: First Look Video Preview!

Farmville Oasis Gardens Farm: First Look Video Preview!
Hey Farmers! Get ready for the next new farm which is named as "Oasis Gardens Farm". As always the early access will be for 1 week and costs you around 45 Farmcash and offers some great bonuses. This time if you go for early access, you will get a free combine, some exclusive crops, an animal and a free starter pack... Find out more information about this new farm below and if you notice this page informative do share it with your gaming friends.

EARLY ACCESS : 2nd June, 2014
GENERAL ACCESS 9th June, 2014

Please note this page have some heavy animation files so if you have a slow internet connection you must wait to load them properly.

Farmville Oasis Gardens Farm: First Look Video Preview!

Oasis Gardens Farm Arrival Pop-Up:

Farmville Oasis Gardens Farm: First Look Video Preview!
Oasis Gardens Farm ~ Background Music:

Impinge on the play button to listen the Music.

Farmville Oasis Gardens Farm: First Look Video Preview! Farmville Oasis Gardens Farm: First Look Video Preview! Farmville Oasis Gardens Farm: First Look Video Preview!

If you're planning to visit this Oasis Gardens Farm Early then you will be rewarded with these prizes:

The King Tut PegacornOasis Garden Starter PackThe Oasis Combine
The King Tut PegacornOasis Starter PackThe Oasis Combine
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