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FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide

Quest Story :- We're making sure that this photo exhibit will be the best! This is going to be big! We'll need your help to achieve it. Farmer, let's get to work and make this a huge success!

FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest GuideStart Time 22nd May, 2014
End Time : 5th June, 2014

Note :- These are all farm quests and should be repeatable. Quests requirements can be changed anytime as how Zynga Updates them. We do our best to keep you updated ASAP.

Small things can be made large if we just let people know.
Quest 1 Down Memory Lane: Part 1 Item to Ask  Reward
FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide         
  1. Get 7 Advertisement Posters
  2. Harvest 60 Country Guitars (Harvest in 12 hrs)
  3. Make 3 Shrimp Toast in your Bakery
7 Advertisement Posters          Photographer Cow         
Helpful Tips: For 3:- To make 3 Shrimp Toast you need 6 Shrimp, 6 Rye and 9 Onion bushels. 7 Advertisement Posters Photographer Cow
Well done, Farmer! Oh, you are quite the clever one! Thank you ever so much!

We need to send out invites well in advance, a little effort will save us the chaos later.
Quest 2 Down Memory Lane: Part 2 Item to Ask  Reward
FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide       
  1. Get 8 Exhibition Invites
  2. Harvest 90 Honeyberry (Harvest in 16 hrs)
  3. Harvest Travel Photographer Cow 2 Times
8 Exhibition Invites        Super Fertilizer
Helpful Tips: For 3:- Harvest the Travel Photographer Cow in the Cow Pasture or Dairy Barn. 8 Exhibition Invites Super Fertilizer
Well done, Farmer! Oh, you're quite the clever one! Thank you ever so much!

We've been having so much fun on your farm, we forgot to choose the best photos for the exhibition!
Quest 3 Down Memory Lane: Part 3 Item to Ask  Reward
FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide       
  1. Get 9 Travel Photographs
  2. Harvest 120 Chickpeas (Harvest in 20 hrs)
  3. Craft Masonry Hammer 2 Times in your Azure Emporium at Masonry Enclosure Station
9 Travel Photographs        Book Of XP       
Helpful Tips: For 3:- To craft 2 Masonry Hammers you need these Ingredients: 4 Polished Stone and 4 Bazaar Water. 9 Travel Photographs Book Of XP
Farmer, you've got a keen eye for detail! Great job picking these photos!

These are very delicate frames and can be tricky to handle if you're not careful!
Quest 4 Down Memory Lane: Part 4 Item to Ask  Reward
FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide       
  1. Get 10 Photo Frames
  2. Harvest 150 Popcorn (Harvest in 24 hrs)
  3. Master Travel Photographer Cow to 1 Star (Total 5 harvests)
10 Photo Frames        Lightman Pig       
Helpful Tips: For 3:- Harvest the Travel Photographer Cow in the Cow Pasture or Dairy Barn. 10 Photo Frames Lightman Pig
Looks like you've got a hidden artsy side!

Everyone likes a fancy presentation, let's not compromise on that!
Quest 5 Down Memory Lane: Part 5 Item to Ask  Reward
FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide       
  1. Get 10 Display Installations
  2. Harvest 180 Peppers (Harvest in 24 hrs)
  3. Craft Silk Jacket 2 Times in your Azure Emporium at Loom Enclosure
10 Display Installations        Instagrow Potion
Helpful Tips: For 3:- To craft 2 Silk Jackets you need these Ingredients: 4 Silk Stockings, 2 Statue Base and 2 Wooly Socks. 10 Display Installations Instagrow Potion
Well done, Farmer! Oh, you are quite the clever one! Thank you ever so much!

Lights are fragile, they need to be delivered with extra care.
Quest 6 Down Memory Lane: Part 6 Item to Ask  Reward
FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide       
  1. Get 11 Exhibition Lights
  2. Master Reel Weed to 2 Stars
  3. Make 4 Root Beer in your Winery
11 Exhibition Lights        3 pack of Turbo Chargers       
Helpful Tips: For 3:- To make 4 Root Beers you need 12 Licorice Plant, 12 Peppermint and 12 Dandelion bushels. 11 Exhibition Lights 3 pack of Turbo Chargers
Well done, Farmer! These lights looks great!

Guests expect good music and great food from a hostess!
Quest 7 Down Memory Lane: Part 7 Item to Ask  Reward
FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide       
  1. Get 12 Background Music Tracks
  2. Harvest 200 Pink Rose (Harvest in 48 hrs)
  3. Make 4 Yogurt in your Dairy
12 Background Music Tracks Musician Zebra       
Helpful Tips: For 3:- To make 4 Yogurt you need these Ingredients: 4 Milk and 4 Culture. Yogurts can be crafted at Creamer Station of Dairy. 12 Background Music Tracks Musician Zebra
Well done, Farmer! Some of these tracks are quite catchy, I must say!

Almost forgot! We need to arrange for snacks for our guests.
Quest 8 Down Memory Lane: Part 8 Item to Ask  Reward
FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide       
  1. Get 13 Food Trays
  2. Harvest 220 Nymph Morel (Harvest in 48 hrs)
  3. Craft Mint Lotion 4 Times in your Spa
13 Food Trays        Unwither       
Helpful Tips: For 3:- To craft 4 Mint Lotions you need 8 Mint Candy, 12 Aloe Vera and 12 Lilac bushels.
Note:- Mint Lotions requires a 2 star spa.
13 Food Trays Unwither
Well done, Farmer! The food looks delicious!

We need to know if our guests enjoyed the exhibition.
Quest 9 Down Memory Lane: Part 9 Item to Ask  Reward
FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide       
  1. Get 14 Feedback Notebook
  2. Master Reel Weed to 3 Stars (Total 1800 harvests)
  3. Craft Silver Compass 3 Times in your Azure Emporium at Wayfarer Enclosure Station
14 Feedback Notebook Poser Pegacorn
Helpful Tips: For 3:- To craft 3 Silver Compass you need these Ingredients: 6 Bazaar Map and 3 Masonry Chisel. 14 Feedback Notebook   Poser Pegacorn
Well done, Farmer! The exhibition was a huge hit, we'll let you know when the next one comes around!

FarmVille Down Memory Lane Quest Guide
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Also do check back this post because as we know more we add here.

~~~ Happy Questing ~~~
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