Quest Story:- Hey, Farmer! It's me, Abby the Dragon Rider! Remember me? My dragon fell ill, and now he's having trouble flying. I need to help him get back on his wings! Will you help me, please?
Start Time: 1st May, 2014
Note:- These are all farm quests and should be repeatable. Quests requirements can be changed anytime as how Zynga Updates them. We do our best to keep you updated ASAP.
So my dragon had a little boo-boo, and ever since then he hasn't been able to fly! |
Quest 1 | Dragon Fly: Part 1 | Item to Ask | Reward |
- Get 7 Logbook
- Harvest 60 Dragon Eggplant (Harvest in 24 hrs)
- Make 2 Chili Muffins in the Bakery
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Helpful Tips: | For 3:- To make 2 Chili Muffins you need 8 Kidney Bean and 8 Pepper bushels. | 7 Logbook | Book Of XP |
Well, Flames, my dragon, is beginning to show signs of improvement, but we have a long way to go! |
Flames has been kind of moody. I guess he misses the wind under his wings. |
Quest 2 | Dragon Fly: Part 2 | Item to Ask | Reward |
- Get 8 Dragon Headset
- Harvest 90 Carrot (Harvest in 12 hrs)
- Craft 3 Emerald Glues in the Craftshop
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Helpful Tips: | For 3:- To make 3 Emerald Glues you need 12 Purple Dahlias, 12 Mini Eggplant and 12 Ribbon Daisy. | 8 Dragon Headset | 3 pack of Turbo Chargers |
Flames seems a little less moody now that his wing's in good shape! |
Every time Flames goes so high he becomes a little speck, I freak out a bit! |
Quest 3 | Dragon Fly: Part 3 | Item to Ask | Reward |
- Get 9 Flight Bag
- Harvest 120 Peanuts (Harvest in 16 hrs)
- Make 3 Spicy Muffins in the Bakery
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Helpful Tips: | For 3:- To make 3 Spicy Muffins you need | 9 Flight Bag | Paper Plane Tree |
Flames is actually enthusiastic about flying now. He takes longer and longer to come back down! |
I'm going to put Flames through some tests! This training's getting rigorous now! |
Quest 4 | Dragon Fly: Part 4 | Item to Ask | Reward |
- Get 10 Pilot Watch
- Harvest 150 Red Tulip (Harvest in 24 hrs)
- Craft 3 Ladders in the Craftshop
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Helpful Tips: | For 3:- To make 3 Ladders you need 9 Parsnip, 12 Red Radish and 9 Lentil bushels. | 10 Pilot Watch | Unwither |
Flames is collecting a lot of grime and dirt, but it's all worth it to see him soar! |
Flames seems pretty confident, but I need to take every precaution before we can go on a quest. |
Quest 5 | Dragon Fly: Part 5 | Item to Ask | Reward |
- Get 10 Life Vest
- Harvest 180 Popcorn (Harvest in 24 hrs)
- Make 3 Marigold Soaps in the Spa
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Helpful Tips: | For 3:- To make 3 Marigold Soaps you need 9 Orange Marigold, 9 Yellow Marigold and 3 Aloe Vera bushels. | 10 Life Vest | Instagrow Potion |
Training a dragon to fly is no easy task, but I'm glad you're along for the flight, Farmer! |
Dragons may not understand safety, but I do. I need to take precautions. |
Quest 6 | Dragon Fly: Part 6 | Item to Ask | Reward |
- Get 11 Flight Lights
- Harvest 180 Canning Peaches (Harvest in 24 hrs)
- Make 3 Mint Lotions in the Spa
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Helpful Tips: | For 3:- To make 3 Mint Lotions you need 6 Mint Candy, 9 Aloe Vera and 9 Lilac bushels.
Note:- Mint Lotions requires a 2 star spa. | 11 Flight Lights | Baby Dragon Bonfire |
Have you ever thought of becoming a Dragon Rider, Farmer? You seem confident enough! |
Flames is soaring to greater heights every day! I can't wait to see him in full flow! |
Quest 7 | Dragon Fly: Part 7 | Item to Ask | Reward |
- Get 12 Altimeter
- Harvest 200 Peppermint (Harvest in 24 hrs)
- Craft 2 Ropes in the Craftshop
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Helpful Tips: | For 3:- To craft 2 Ropes you need 10 Corn Flower, 10 Licorice Plant and 10 Yellow Daffodil bushels. | 12 Altimeter | Dragon Nest |
I took a test ride, and woah! Flames is really enthusiastic now! |
I need to get used to the new speeds Flames can hit! |
Quest 8 | Dragon Fly: Part 8 | Item to Ask | Reward |
- Get 13 Camera
- Harvest 220 Celery (Harvest in 24 hrs)
- Craft 6 Telescopes in the Craftshop
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Helpful Tips: | For 3:- To craft 6 Telescopes you need 18 Applewood, 30 Cotton and 24 Wheat bushels. | 13 Camera | Super Fertilizer |
Flames isn't just his old self, he's even better! |
I'm getting ready to celebrate, Farmer! Flames is ready! |
Quest 9 | Dragon Fly: Part 9 | Item to Ask | Reward |
- Get 14 Transceiver
- Harvest 240 Broccoli (Harvest in 48 hrs)
- Make 4 Mocha Blackberry Cakes in the Bakery
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Helpful Tips: | For 3:- To make 4 Mocha Blackberry Cakes you need 12 Coffee, 8 Rice and 12 Blackberry bushels. | 14 Transceiver | Fire Dragon Pegacorn |
I'm overjoyed, Farmer! Flames and I have adventures to go on, and it's all because of you! |
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